

* For previous CSA members, we've changed to a different management software (used to be Harvie), but the season should be very familiar to you with most of the same functionality and options. There will be some minor changes, but we've made sure to hang on to all of the options you guys love and are used to! You'll have to create a profile when you order, so it's a great time to update your address, email, payment details, etc. Let us know if you have any questions!

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and that's exactly what it is. As a CSA member, you'll:

  • Have access to high quality fresh vegetables, that we select for traits like taste and texture
  • Try new foods and learn how to cook with them
  • Develop a relationship with your farmer
  • Support your local ecomomy and community
  • Diversify your diet and eat the freshest food possible

Each delivery, we'll create a default order for you with an assortment of in-season organic produce to start with. You can keep this box as is or you have the opportunity to customize it so that you're getting exactly what you want. 

We offer produce subscription boxes or CSA Shares in Standard and Large sizes. You can opt to recieve a share every week or every other week of the 18-week season. Pick up locations include the farmers market on Thursday afternoons and at the farm on Friday afternoons. We also offer a couple of different payment options - opt to pay in full for your season of produce with card, AHC (e-check), or offline payment or pay in 4 installments with card or AHC (only 25% at sign up). 

* We try to even our our biweekly shares so that we are producing a relatively consistent number of produce boxes each week. If you choose a biweekly share, please note that your schedule may change if we need to balance the number of weekly shares. 

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